8th XI
Sat 16 Mar 2024
Old Merchant Taylors Res
Old Parmiterians FC
8th XI
J Mansford (45'), F Moore (46'), A Benmore (82')
Cup Winners

Cup Winners

Francis Mariani21 Mar - 18:50
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A Thrilling Final of End to End Action

The lads got to the ground early and got a good warm up in, well before kick off. We knew they were a strong side having seen them in action against our 9th XI earlier in the season and we knew we would have to fight for everything.

Early on we rushed the play somewhat and they put us under pressure but the two sides were very evenly matched. At about 30 minutes in we overcommitted to an attack and they caught us on the counter, moving the ball well and finishing clinically.

We were ready for the half time whistle when Bax got on the end of a good ball and powered towards goal. He was pushed wide, managed to get a good shot of which was saved but the ball fell kindly and Bax was quickest to react, getting control of the ball before squaring it to John Mansford in the centre of the box. John coolly slotted the ball away and wheeled off in celebration. 1-1.

Half time team talk was simple, more of the same and give each other options. We went back out fired up and the early pressure counted as we overloaded the left, Frank put a great ball into the box, so good it had to be put away. And it was. By an opposition player, but they all count.

The action was end to end and they caught us on the break again 20 minutes later. 2-2.

Just as we were starting to get used to the idea that we may have to endure extra time (not a desirable prospect given that over half our team were fasting as they observed Ramadan) we broke through again. Bax took up the ball in our own half and some great pace and ball control say him tear through the midfield and defence, going past 4 men in the process. Bax played a great ball into the box where Alfie, caught between two defenders, stuck a leg out to put the ball away from the right of the 6 yard box.

The intensity of the game started to tell on our players and we needed every member of the squad to play their part in getting us over the line, substitutes coming and matching the level of those in the starting 11.

The final whistle blew and we were champions; Dennis, Adam, Billy, Kas, Frank, Robbie, Sal, Bryan, Rahim, Taye, John, Alfie, Dex and, Man of the match, Bax. Not forgetting two very proud managers in Brian and Martin. COYP

Match details

Match date

Sat 16 Mar 2024




Details confirmed. NOTE EARLY KO TIME. Hospitality provided on site. Cup final.


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Shirt Sponsor - Art of  War
Shirt Sponsor - Blaque Falcon
Fundraising - Easy Fundraising